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2023-09-14 英语词典


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网络释义:利得;斩获;获利复数:gains  现在分词:gaining  过去式:gained  搭配反义词

v.+n.gain access,gain experience,gain advantage,gain weight,gain support

adj.+n.financial gain,slight gain,negligible gain,maximum gain,unexpected gain






n.1.an improvement or increase in something2.a benefit, or an advantage3.the money or other benefits that you can get from something

v.1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach

1.收益 future lease payment 未来租赁付款 gains 收益 gear ratio 资本充足率 ...

2.利得 Gage, J. 盖奇,J. Gains利益;利得: on income statements 利润表上的利得 ...

4.斩获 Fixed cost - 固定成本 Gains - 获利 General journal - 原始会计分录 ...

6.收获 rabbit n. 兔, 野兔 gains n. 财物的增加, 财富的获取, 利润, 腰槽, 收获 blind adj. 瞎的, 盲目的 ...


1.I think she's taking advantage of me, using me for her own gains.我认为她在利用我,为她自己谋利。

2.The factory just turned losses into gains. It is far from my goal. I must work hard to make it a listed company.厂子刚刚扭亏为盈,离我的目标还相去甚远呢,我要努力使之成为上市公司。

3.Two years after making historic gains in a general election, the opposition is going through a bit of a wobble.在大选中取得历史性突破的两年后,马来西亚反对党经历了一系列震荡。

4.Many buyers and sellers do not wish to lock in a fixed price, because that forecloses potential gains as well as losses.许多卖主和买主不希望为固定价格所束缚,因为这样虽然避免了潜在的损失,但也杜绝了潜在的收益。

5.George Mitchell, America's envoy, keeps his cards to his chest, unable so far to point to any gains.美国特使乔治•米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)将牌捂得很紧,目前还无法猜测他都有哪些牌可以打出。

6."Managers don't want to show high cash balances after such a strong year, but at this point, they also want to lock in gains, " she said.她表示,“由于今年表现十分强劲,基金经理不愿在账面上留有很多的现金馀额,但目前他们还是希望锁定获利。”

7.We shall know some day that death can never rob us of that which our soul has gained, for her gains are one with herself.我们将有一天会明白,死永远不能够夺去我们的灵魂所获得的东西。因为她所获得的,和她自己是一体。

8.And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains.公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。

9.A spokesman for the Nato-led force, Brigadier General Josef Blotz, said the Taliban were trying to reverse NATO gains.北约领导的部队的发言人陆军准将JosefBlotz表示,塔利班试图扭转北约取得的胜利。

10.a great tax advantage. As long as you keep trading up in value, you will not be taxed on the gains, until you liquidate.房地产成了具有税收优惠的投资工具,只要你不断进行上述价值交换,你就无须纳税,直到你将房地产变现。
